Keep Your Healthy Resolution All Year Long
By Nick Cerone – ‘Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions. If you’re like a lot of other people, your resolution probably has something to do with improving your health and fitness. The problem with these types of resolutions is that most people try to go from no fitness at all to professional athlete type workouts, and end up giving up sooner or later.
This year, to help you stick to your resolutions, keep your fitness goals simple. Slowly decrease the amount of food you eat. You don’t necessarily have to make drastic changes to your diet, but you can do something as simple as cut down the portion sizes of each meal. This will reduce overall caloric intake and therefore lead to gradual weight loss. Also, cutting back on fast-foods, sugars and alcohol will greatly improve your success.
In terms of exercise, try to start with half an hour of some form of resistance training, and half an hour of cardio about three to four times a week. I would also recommend hiring a personal trainer if your budget allows, just to help get you started. Many gyms offer a few free sessions with a trainer as part of their membership packages. As you start feeling more comfortable in the gym and get better at utilizing the equipment, you can slowly increase the amount of activity you do per session, and per week.
In summary, if you keep your goals realistic and start off with small adjustments to your normal daily routine, you will have a higher rate of success in sticking with your New Year’s resolutions, and be well on your way to a healthier, happier and more fit you.
Nick Cerone
Fitness Director
99 Business Park Drive
Armonk, NY 10504
(P) 914-219-1601

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.