Greeley Assistant Principal Selected to Lead Seven Bridges MS

The Chappaqua School District announced Friday afternoon that Horace Greeley High School Assistant Principal Andrew Corsilia will lead Seven Bridges Middle School starting in 2015-16.
In her letter to the community, Superintendent Dr. Lyn McKay said Corsilia, who has worked at Greeley for the past 16 years, was the best candidate for the job following an extensive two-year search to fill the vacancy. She said that he “has earned the respect and admiration of colleagues, students and parents.”
“From the beginning, our Board of Education and I were committed to finding the best possible principal for Seven Bridges,” McKay stated in her letter. “I am confident that we have found that person, right here in Chappaqua, and now I am committed to making this transition work well for both schools.”
The board is scheduled to vote on whether to approve Corsilia at its meeting this Wednesday night.
McKay said that the year’s delay will insure a smooth transition process for the school and the district. Corsilia will see next year’s senior class to graduation while former Grafflin Elementary School Principal Dr. Michael Kirsch will continue in the role of interim at Seven Bridges for next year.
The vacancy was created when Martha Zornow, the previous Seven Bridges Middle School principal, left the district last June.
Corsilia began his career at Greeley as an English teacher in 1998, then became the school’s English Department chairman. He has been assistant principal for the last two years.
He earned his bachelor’s in English from the University of Vermont and his masters in teaching from Teachers College, Columbia University. Later he obtained a masters in Building and District Leadership from Bank Street College.

Martin has more than 30 years experience covering local news in Westchester and Putnam counties, including a frequent focus on zoning and planning issues. He has been editor-in-chief of The Examiner since its inception in 2007. Read more from Martin’s editor-author bio here. Read Martin’s archived work here: