
Yorktown Supervisor Responds to Charges of Conflict of Interest

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Regarding the recent article, “Yorktown Officials Defend Ties to Grace Amid Criticism” by Rick Pezzullo (September 17-23, The Northern Westchester Examiner)

I want to address recent claims regarding my relationship with former Yorktown Supervisor Michael Grace and how Mr. Pezzullo characterized it in The Examiner’s article. The suggestion that my social connection with Mr. Grace, or my decision to use him as a personal attorney, creates a conflict of interest when he appears before the Town Board on behalf of clients is misleading.

Let me be clear: I take my responsibility as supervisor very seriously and operate with integrity in everything I do for the people of Yorktown. The town’s Ethics Code is explicit in prohibiting officials from participating in any decision where a direct financial or material benefit might occur for themselves, their family or any related private organization. I am not violating this code. Mr. Grace is neither a relative nor a business partner, and I hold no interest in any organization he controls or owns.

To avoid any appearance of impropriety, I voluntarily sought an opinion from the Yorktown Board of Ethics in August. In late August, the Board of Ethics provided guidance that there is no conflict of interest if my legal matter with Mr. Grace does not involve the town. They advised that I may participate in Town Board decisions where Mr. Grace represents a party, but I must disclose my relationship each time he appears before the board. This disclosure must be explicitly stated and filed in writing with the Town Clerk for each matter.

I will continue to follow the Board of Ethics’ recommendation, ensuring transparency and fairness. The residents of Yorktown deserve nothing less. I remain committed to objectively and thoughtfully considering the needs and concerns of all those who come before the Town Board.

Ed Lachterman
Supervisor, Town of Yorktown

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