WP Trans Center Task Force Named

The $1 million funding for a grant from the New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) for preliminary planning, design and engineering related to the White Plains Transportation Center was accepted by the White Plains Council Oct. 5 and the city contracted with Parsons Brinckerhoff to do a study.
On Oct. 29, White Plains Mayor Tom Roach announced the members of the White Plains Multimodal Transportation Center Redevelopment Project Stakeholder Task Force, which will work in tandem with the professional research group.
The object of the task force and Parsons Brinckerhoff is to re-assess the White Plains Metro-North station so that it functions more efficiently for all users and integrates the myriad of transit services while also creating a more welcoming and dynamic place;
reestablish the area immediately surrounding the station, through the creation of more pedestrian-scale streets, transit-supportive land uses (commercial and residential), and engaging public spaces; strengthen the linkages and connections between the multimodal transcenter and the downtown core; and provide strategic planning, which will help identify early opportunities that will have an immediate impact on specific conditions and which is also comprehensive, including identifying potential funding streams.
According to a memorandum from the mayor’s office, the purpose of the Task Force is to serve as a forum for collaboration among all interested stakeholders; serve as a liaison with various constituency groups; provide input on project vision and plan; participate in public meetings.
Members of the new task force are: Mayor Tom Roach, chairman – representing the city of White Plains; Michael Shiffer, V.P. Planning, MTA Metro-North Railroad; Ed Buroughs, Westchester County Planning Commissioner; Todd Westhuis, NYS Dept. of Transportation, Division of Operations and Asset Management; Justin Brasch, Metro-North Commuter and resident; Larry Salley, Chair White Plains Housing Authority, former Commissioner Westchester County Department of Transportation and resident; Mary Cavallero, former chair, White Plains Planning Board and resident; Patty Cantu, co-president Battle Hill Neighborhood Association and resident; Peter Mosbacher, Senior V.P. Community Development Webster Bank – place-making advocate; Richard Payne, cycling advocate and resident; Robert Weisz, CEO RPW Group; Susan Fox, President and CEO White Plains Hospital; Tim Jones, Managing Member, Robert Martin Company, LLC; William Cuddy, Executive V.P. CBRE Brokerage Services.
The goal is to complete the process within one year with a review and proposal for a new multimodal transportation center at the site of the current Metro North train station in White Plains to include redevelopment proposals for other properties in the immediate and adjoining area.
The Battle Hill neighborhood, existing bus station and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) included in the Tappan Zee construction plans are all to be considered in the multimodal plan.
In related news, a new 186,000 sq. ft. garage featuring 500 parking spaces was opened at the North White Plains Metro-North Train Station on Friday.
The new garage features electric vehicle charging stations, scooter parking and bicycle racks. Site-specific artwork commissioned by MTA Arts & Design features 125 stainless steel panels in a continually changing display of water bubbles.