Wounded Warrior Golf Outing
We are part of The Trust Project

A Wounded Warrior Golf Outing is scheduled for Aug. 12 at the Hudson Hills Golf Course, located off Route 134 in Ossining.
Registration begins at noon.
The $70 fee includes golf with a cart, a box lunch and prizes.
For more information about the event, call 914-864-3000
For those who cannot attned the outing, contriubtions will be accepted at Lange’s Deli, 382 King’s St, Chappaqua.
All donations will go directly top the Wounded Warrior group to support those who have been injured whle protecting us here at home
Langes Deli has a bucket in the deli for those who wish to contribute to the event and will bring all monies collected to the outing. Others may go to worldslargestgolfouting.com and contribute directly.