White Plains Names Shollenberger As New City Court Judge

Wearing the robes appropriate of her new office, the Hon. Elizabeth Shollenberger was sworn in as a White Plains City Court Judge by Mayor Tom Roach on Jan. 3.
Acknowledging the huge responsibility she accepted in taking this oath of office, Shollenberger thanked the Mayor and Common Council for naming her to the position and said she would work to uphold the faith they have in her.
In attendance were representatives from government at many levels and members of the Democratic Party who had worked with Shollenberger over the years. She was the chair of the White Plains Democratic Party.
As a lawyer, Shollenberger focused her practice on client-based litigation, representing many tenants and consumers in crisis. She is well known for helping tenants facing eviction, parents separated from children, clients denied benefits (including unemployment, disability, and Medicaid) and consumers needing help in enforcing their rights.
Shollenberger also has extensive knowledge of New York election law, particularly ballot access questions.
She received her J.D. at Yale Law School and A.B. at Princeton University. She was admitted to the Bar in New York, First Department (1982); in the Federal District Courts, Southern and Eastern Districts of New York (1983); in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals (2014).
She has won numerous awards and been a lecturer at Bar Associations on the subjects of foreclosure and unemployment.
Shollenberger is a member of the White Plains Rotary Club and is married to attorney Tim James.