Vincent Vetrano
Obituary Reports the death of an individual, providing an account of the person’s life including their achievements, any controversies in which they were involved, and reminiscences by people who knew them.
Vincent Vetrano passed away on Oct. 31. He was 90 years old. Mr. Vetrano was a resident at Bethel Springvale Inn in Croton-on-Hudson. He is survived by his two sons, Vincent Vetrano Jr. and Richard and Christina Vetrano, of Wappinger Falls; his sister, Eileen; and his brother-in-law, Ronald Seamen, of Florida.Mr. Vetrano was the owner of Wolf & Co., a consultant firm located in Katnoah. He was an active member of the Builders Institute of Westchester.
He did extensive mediation work for New York State and was the president of the Residence Council at Bethel Springvale Inn.Mr. Vetrano attended Columbia University and was a graduate of Westchester Community College.
He was an avid Frank Sinatra fan, as well as a New York Yankee fan and a New York Giants fan. He was an avid reader, preferring nonfiction and autobiographical material.The family gathered at All Souls Cemetery in Pleasantville on Nov. 7 for Vincent’s funeral service.

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