
The Stresses of Overdevelopment in the Town of Mount Pleasant

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Before it is too late, the current administration with Carl Fulgenzi at the helm needs to be held accountable for the dire stresses on the infrastructure and constituents of Mount Pleasant.

With the additional burden of Audi and Amazon on Route 9A, the traffic, noise and constant upgrading of roads and bridges has made our once sleepy town into a megaplex much like White Plains.

We have been promised, with no apparent evidence, that property taxes would feel the benefit of such an influx of big business. However, the $15 million surplus seems to be invested in further development, not the residents. Running in November to hold the current administration accountable are Frank Hrotka, Joe Bonnano and Charlie Caspari who would do much to resolve Mount Pleasant’s longtime one-party system.

Change is needed NOW. Residents living near the construction of the massive and unsightly Amazon construction can concur that promises were never kept as to the noise level, explosive demolition and constant forklift beeping during the hours where construction was to be held. Not only the hours, but the length of the project itself seems to be fluid, and has no apparent timetable for completion. Also relative to the construction was the loss of a life and other serious injuries that extended the project for who knows how long.

Residents of Mount Pleasant deserve better. Change is needed, and it starts in November at the ballot box. Because if you are a resident of Mount Pleasant that is not currently affected by what has already occurred, the continued overdevelopment will surely creep into your neighborhood, and by then it will be too late. Act now. Your family deserves better.

Donald Maldonado
Mount Pleasant

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