Special Electric Vehicle Discount Offered to Westchester Constituents

As White Plains announces it will install more electric vehicle charging stations in its municipal parking garages, Westchester residents, college students and businesses have also been informed that because the County is a member of Sustainable Westchester, they are eligible for a special offer through electric vehicle consultant, EarthKind Energy, for a $10,000 discount on the 2017 all-electric Nissan Leaf.
The program is available to all constituents who live, work, or do business in Sustainable Westchester communities, including students or employees of Westchester colleges who live outside the county.
Combined with state and Federal tax credits, the total discount comes to over $19,000: $10,000 off MSRP* (Sustainable Westchester discount) + $1,700 New York State rebate + $7,500 Federal Tax Credit = $19,200 Total discount on a NEW 2017 Nissan Leaf.
According to the Nissan website the 2017 Nissan Leaf price begins at $30,680.
To participate go to http://sustainablewestchester.org/initiatives-toolkits/electric-vehicles/, fill out the form, and download the flyer.
Bring the flyer and a copy of your utility bill to Nissan New Rochelle, 2533 Palmer Ave. Ask to speak with Roland (dealership: 914-576-7600; or cell: 914-882-3507).
Use Fleet certification code: G66970.
For more information, Sustainable Westchester can be reached 914-242-4725.