
Schiliro, DiGiacinto, Reiter Have Been Impressive Stewards for No. Castle

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North Castle Supervisor Michael Schiliro, Councilwoman Barbara DiGiacinto and Councilman Barry Reiter have served our town with dedication, integrity and diligence, thoughtfully attending to the complicated process of running a town government.

The accomplishments during their time in office are many. They include a comprehensive road repaving program, stopping Connecticut’s proposed toll on Interstate 684 and renovating the North White Plains Community Center with showers and a generator to be used as a shelter when needed. They have acted on their commitment to town recreation with improvements to our parks, negotiated the running of the town pool and added new bathrooms to Community Park. Armonk Square has added vitality to our town center giving our community a place to gather and shop.

We believe several of their most important accomplishments require special notice. They helped build our general fund balance to more than $12 million and restored the town’s AAA Moody’s bond rating. 

These many things and more were achieved in an environment of civility and respect. In an age of divisiveness among our government leadership, Michael, Barbara and Barry foster an environment where common ground is found, disagreements discussed and opposing viewpoints shared without hostility.

Supervisor Michael Schiliro and board members Barbara DiGiacinto and Barry Reiter have proven themselves selfless stewards of the Town of North Castle and have our vote on Nov. 2.

Karl and Jeanne Hinrichs

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