Republicans Will Take Back the Country Through the Ballot Box
This is in response to Nicholas Kuvach’s letter to the editor last week (“The Dangers of Thinking That Elections Are Rigged or Stolen.”) I do see how dangerous election tampering can be. In President Trump’s bid for re-election, why was he winning in districts and then magically ballots were found in the middle of the night that reversed the count and gave Biden the win?
Similar things happened in many places. Why did we see the same ballots being repeatedly put into the voting machines? Why were there boxes of ballots pulled out from under tables once the Republican election workers were told to go home for the evening? How about all the anomalies with the down ballots? They went against all statistical models from past elections.
Does anyone (even a Democrat) believe that Biden is the most popular president ever elected and actually garnered 82 million votes? Hillary Clinton was so angry at her loss to President Trump and still maintains that she won. She conspired to steal the election but never took into account how many Republicans and Conservatives were tired of being insulted by her and her “deplorables”-type comments, and her biggest mistake was that she didn’t cheat enough to steal the election. Thank God!
The problem with Republicans and Conservatives is that many feel that their vote doesn’t count so why bother voting? This past election showed exactly how angry we are with the Democrats and their free spending, anti-American attitudes that are going to put the middle class in the poorhouse and the poor on the streets.
Get your head out of the sand and face the facts – we are going to take back our country with fair and unbiased elections. We are done with Democrats thinking they are the only ones that can run the country and we are embarrassed by the “Great American Apology Tours” by Obama and Biden. America is the greatest country in the world. That’s why people don’t look to leave but want to come here.
The cities that have been run by the Democratic Party for decades are the ones that have been run into the ground, are broke and have the highest crime rates. We are done with this. Show us where we cheated or keep your unproven opinions to yourself.
Ray Rau

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