Q & A: Cancer Treatments From Around the World
Dr. Michael Wald, Director of Nutrition at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco, P.C.
914-242-8844, www.intmedny.com
1. Coffee enemas are the best single method of detoxifi cation for a person with cancer?
ANSWER. False. Although possessing detox ability, coffee enemas simply do not contain the necessary nutrition to support specifi c detox pathways, which are dependent on the toxin or toxins in question; this must be determined based on clinical interview and lab testing.
2. A macrobiotic, vegetarian or raw diet is the best dietary approaches for one with cancer?
ANSWER. Regardless of the type of special food plan in question, the very best plan must be based on the needs of the individual. A raw diet may over tax an individual’s ability to produce natural enzymes and, a particular diet may be defi cient in one or more nutrients that are required by the specifi c patient who has cancer.
3. Intravenous vitamin C, as opposed to oral vitamin C, produced anticancer effects such as tumor killing through by being an antioxidant?
ANSWER. False. Intravenous vitamin C has been proven to work in cancer because it is an oxidant and NOT an antioxidant.
4. Hydrogen peroxide is a potential cancer killing agent?
ANSWER. Yes. Hydrogen peroxide is produced by white blood cells in the body and does have cancer cell killing effects.
5. Apigenin is an herb that has proven ovarian cell cancer killing effects?
6. According to the American Cancer Society, green tea drinkers in East Asia have a lower risk of stomach, breast and colon cancer than non-tea drinkers?
ANSWER. True; however, the amounts of active elements in green tea consumed by Americans cannot be expected to be the same. Also, it is best to take the active ingredients of green tea when one has cancer as opposed to drinking tea only.
7. The form of vitamin D currently available in health food stores is the type that has been used in most medical studies for cancer prevention and treatment?
ANSWER. False. The active form of vitamin D3, known as 1, 25-D3, is the major anticancer form of vitamin D. This is a prescription item.
8. The optimal level of vitamin D measured on blood work is between 20 and 100 mg/dL?
ANSWER. False. Although the accepted clinical range of vitamin D tested on blood is between 20 and 100, optimal levels are approximately 75 and are associated with the lowest morbidity and mortality.
9. The evidence for toxic levels of vitamin D are when blood vitamin D are high?
ANSWER. False. The level of vitamin D in the blood can be high, but this does not mean it’s toxic. High calcium levels, known as, hypercalcemia is evidence that too much vitamin D is present. The treatment is to remove the vitamin D until the calcium levels come down (in a few days) and then restart vitamin D at a lower dose. Simple as that!
Listen to Dr. Michael Wald’s audio show, Blood Detective for more information about this topic.
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Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.