P’ville Health Club to Hold Fundraiser for Newtown Families

A Pleasantville health club is set to give assistance to the surviving victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy last month in Newtown, Conn.
PFX Fitness Center is hosting multiple fitness events this Sunday, Jan. 13 in an effort to raise money for the My Sandy Hook Family Fund. The name of the event is 26 Reps We Will Never Forget, as a way to honor the 26 victims who were killed by the gunman resulting in the second worst school shooting in American history.
Club owner Steve DiDio is running the event.
“We were deeply moved and saddened by the events that occurred in Sandy Hook Elementary,” DiDio said in a press release. “And all are hoping to help as many in the community as possible.”
Starting at noon and lasting throughout the afternoon, both members and non-members are invited to participate in different workouts. Those workouts include power lifting, a boot camp, a spinning class and body sculpting. Each exercise event will start at the top of the hour.
The fund that DiDio is raising money for goes to the parents of those children who survived the shooting, contributing toward expenses such as funeral services as well as routine living expenses until the families are back on solid footing. DiDio is encouraging people that attend to find at least 26 people that will pledge $10 toward the cause.
One of the club’s personal trainers, Jon Battista, said it’s important to let the people of Newtown know they still have the support of people outside of their community.
“Being a teacher and a father of two young small children, this really hit home,” Battista said. “My heart goes out to everyone directly affected.”
DiDio, a certified athletic trainer, and his wife, Larysa DiDio, also a trainer, founded PFX in 2001. The fitness center offers injury and athletic rehabilitation, personally training, group fitness, spinning and boot classes and massages.
PFX is located at 101 Castleton St. For more information, call 914-769-5765.