The Putnam Examiner

Proposed PBA Contract to Face Vote in July

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Next month, the Putnam County Legislature will finally vote on a proposed contract between the county and the sheriff ’s Patrolman Benevolent Association, though approving it seems unlikely.

The legislature’s personnel committee voted to send the proposed deal to the full legislature meeting on July 5, but it appears support for the memorandum of agreement appears non-existent among lawmakers who believe it is fiscally unsustainable. The deal drawn up by the PBA and county has the support of County Executive MaryEllen Odell and Sheriff Don Smith, but lawmakers need to sign off on the deal to make it a reality.

The contract covers all deputies in the sheriff ’s department.

The contract was brought up at the March personnel committee meeting, but no action was taken to the displeasure of several sheriff officials on hand. Since then, the agreement has remained in limbo.

Legislature Chairwoman Ginny Nacerino said since the issue hasn’t changed in three months, lawmakers felt it was appropriate to move it to a vote.

“It is my hope and expectation that no matter the outcome that we remain respectful and professional toward one another,” Nacerino said sternly. “Something that was seriously lacking during the March encounter and thereafter.”

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