Ossining’s Melstein is Dedicated to District’s Students and Teachers
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
I am fully supporting Rob Melstein in the race for Ossining Board of Education on May 16.
Rob has been highly engaged with the community and our schools for many years and would be a welcome addition to the school board.
Rob cares about the mental health and well-being of our children, their reading, writing and math literacies, equity and inclusion and alternatives to traditional four-year college, including skilled trades and vocational training, while paying close attention to the budget and its impact on the community at large.
Despite not being an educator by profession, Rob is the only candidate in the race who is endorsed by the Ossining Teachers Association, which represents more than 400 teachers and support staff in the district. This speaks volumes to his ability to advocate for what is best for students and educators.
Rob is smart, measured, knowledgeable about district issues, innovative and will collaboratively partner with the administration, educators, families and the community to improve educational outcomes for all Ossining children.
I hope you will join me in voting for Rob on May 16 at Ossining High School. You can also learn more about Rob on his website, www.robforboe.com, or on Facebook.
Kim Jeffrey
Former Ossining Deputy Town Supervisor and Town Councilmember

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