
Now is the Time to Take Silly Season Seriously

Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.

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The term silly season originated in England and used to refer to the summer in journalism when frivolous stories dominate for lack of “hard news.”

Today, the term is more often used referring to the political campaign season when it seems anything goes regardless of facts and common decency. It seems that this season, activists of all stripes seem to agree on one thing: This year elections will probably have far-reaching consequences for our nation.

But how does the typical U.S. citizen find the facts in this era of false news and seemingly contradictory narratives. You can speak to your Uncle Joe, a devotee of Fox News and get one set of “facts,” or your niece Krystal, who loves Rachel Maddow, and shake your head wondering if they live on different planets or dimensions. It tempts one to say, “I’ll just sit this one out.”

The problem is, if you exclude yourself from the political process and 2022 is truly a transformative one, what will you tell your grandchildren when they ask you how you contributed to the re-envisioning of our future society. As a partisan, I won’t assume you share mine, but I ask you to research your facts and then vote your values.

Researching has become more difficult in this digital world as facts and statistics are often manipulated to conform with pre-existing beliefs. All I can offer is to pay close attention to the source of your facts and statistics. Does the writer have an obvious interest in proving a one-sided perspective. You should focus on statistics from reliable sources. For instance, since crime seems to be on everyone’s mind these days, look at the information available from the FBI or the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services.

While some may scoff saying you should not trust agents of the “Deep State,” it seems that nothing and no one can overcome that bias as their minds are made up. You, however, can seek the truth, determine what your values tell you and vote accordingly. Bottom line, please make the effort to discover the facts and vote!

Melvyn Tanzman
Mohegan Lake

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