
Editorial: Newcomer Falk Shows Promise in 94th Assembly District

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Andrew Falk

State Assemblyman Steve Katz (R-C/Mohegan Lake) has an unorthodox, high-strung style that he appears to relish. One of the hallmarks of his first term has been taking on the establishment in Albany and exposing some of the dirty little secrets.

While he should be applauded for having the courage and conviction to say it like it is, he also must absorb criticism for some votes he has cast and stances he has taken.

For example, Katz voted against equal pay legislation because he said there’s already too many laws on the books. He also opposes an increase in the minimum wage, primarily because he claims it would hurt businesses. Perhaps, but it would also provide a much needed financial boost to hundreds of families who are struggling.

On the environmental front, Katz supports hydrofracking, to the point where he maintains New York State can be a leader in showing how it can be done right. He also believes the Indian Point nuclear power plants are safe and sound to last another 20 years.

His opponent, Andrew Falk, a newcomer to politics, takes the opposite view on all those issues, and good for him. Falk said he is running to represent the middle class, which is sorely needed in Albany. He appears to have no hidden agenda and would not be a puppet of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, as Katz has tried to label him.

Speaking of Silver, Katz has been obsessed, for some reason, with ridding the Legislature of Silver. Silver has long outlived his welcome and should be replaced, but Katz has become so consumed with him that it seems to have developed into a personal vendetta that the majority of constituents in the district could care less about.

Falk has been running a simple campaign with a basic message of helping the middle class. As a father of two young sons, he understands the struggles of working families and looks to have enough of a grasp of the major issues facing the district to be able to learn quickly and make a difference as a member of the majority.

For all the promise he shows as a level headed guy interested in public service, voters are encouraged to put their trust in Falk in the 94th Assembly District.

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