Nadine Hunt-Robinson Keeps Council Seat in White Plains

In a Special Election for one year in the term left open by Ben Boykin when he left the White Plains Common Council for the Westchester BOL, incumbent appointee Nadine Hunt-Robinson, a Democrat, won with 60 percent of the vote. Hunt-Robinson also ran on the Working Families and Independence Party lines.
The White Plains Common Council remains fully democratic with all seven seats.
Republican challenger Terence Guerriere came in with 40 percent of the vote.
In an election with 11,903 voting, at the most recent count in the unofficial tally recorded by the Westchester Board of Elections, Hunt-Robinson had 7,110 votes to Guerriere’s 4,793.
A transitioning White Plains, facing development and land use issues in its neighborhoods was the major issue of the Council debate this election.
Guerriere ran a bold campaign highlighting his opposition to the granting of a Special Permit to the French American School of New York (FASNY) to operate a regional school in the Gedney neighborhood of White Plains, a primarily Democratic district.
Guerriere also presented a plan to give White Plains residents free parking at city lots on weekday evenings and all day on weekends.
Despite these efforts, Hunt-Robinson, who represents the more diverse elements of White Plains, continues to hold the seat.