Mt. Kisco Movie Theater Shutters After COVID-19 Forced Closure

The Mt. Kisco Theater is the latest vacancy to line E. Main Street, with the popular movie house falling victim to forced closures and delayed reopenings caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
What was originally deemed a temporary closure due to the virus is now permanent. The theater, located on 144 E. Main Street, had a “space available” sign hanging on the marquee as of Thursday afternoon.
Bow Tie Cinemas, which owns and operates the theater, did not respond to a request for comment confirming the closure. However, another long-standing Bow Tie Cinemas theater on Knollwood Road in Greenburgh also closed recently.
Mayor Gina Picinich said in a Facebook post that the latest Kisco closure is a very sad consequence of the pandemic.
“NYS has not permitted entertainment venues to reopen. A closed theater with no revenue and no expected timeframe for reopening can not stay in business,” Picinich said. “When entertainment venues are able to reopen, the village will work with the landlord to attract a new business.”
Movie theaters were forced to close in March as the coronavirus impacted the area, but have been prohibited from reopening due to strict state guidelines.
In recent months, the relatively small stretch of Main Street between Green Street and Village Hall has had its challenges, with several new and long-time businesses being forced to close. Clothing stores Tiger Lily, Unique Fittings and Jos. A. Bank, and six-year restaurant Winston closed over the summer.
Modell’s also closed following an extended liquidation sale.
“Though restrictions related to COVID have restricted revenue for many, the village continues to build a new business pipeline so that we are poised to fill available storefronts when restrictions are lifted,” Pincinch said. “Mount Kisco continues to be a desirable location to invest.”