Mount Pleasant Planners Okay Housing Development Document

The Mount Pleasant Planning Board has approved one of the first stages of the environmental review of a proposal for a 28-lot subdivision that would be developed on about 25 acres on Warren and Stevens avenues.
At its Aug. 1 meeting, the board voted unanimously to accept as complete the Draft Environmental Impact Statement scoping document submitted by Summit Estates for its proposed cluster housing development.
The property is zoned R-10, which allows for one home per 10,000 square feet and R-40, which allows construction of one home per 40,000 square feet.
Jacqui Koenig, secretary for the town’s zoning and planning department, said the developer will need to address in the DEIS such issues as how the project would effect the Mount Pleasant School District, local traffic and the environment.
The developer has provided the planning board with “a conceptual design” for their proposal, Koenig said.
Koenig said the earliest the developer would submit the DEIS to the planning board would be November.