If you’re pregnant now… Here’s how we’re taking the best care of you and your baby
By Dr. Navid Mootabar, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northern Westchester Hospital
We understand your worries about being pregnant during the COVID-19 outbreak. So please know that our level of care for you and your baby hasn’t changed. The only alterations are safeguards to keep you both safe and healthy. In fact, you’ll be relieved to know that so much about being pregnant hasn’t changed a bit. Take a look… and relax.
What’s always been good for a healthy pregnancy – is good for your pregnancy now.
Of course, reducing your exposure to the virus is the best thing you can do. So practice proper handwashing and social distancing. Beyond that? In a nutshell, continue your normal healthy pregnancy habits. Eat nutritiously. Get proper exercise in your home, perhaps gentle yoga or low-impact movement videos. Make sleep a priority.
Good news for pregnant women and babies.
Based on what is known now, pregnant women are at no greater risk of infection from the coronavirus than the rest of the population. What if you do get infected? To date, there are no reports of the virus crossing the placenta to an unborn child, meaning as far as is known at this point, a mother can’t transmit the virus to her unborn baby. If you do become positive, we will treat you appropriately.
Fewer office visits. Same level of expert monitoring.
Right now, expecting mothers are safest at home. That’s why we’re limiting routine pregnancy visits at the office to those involving important tests, ultrasounds and bloodwork. We’ll call you to review which visits you’ll make at our office, a highly safe environment. We can offer you telehealth visits whenever you like.
We continue to monitor your high-risk pregnancy closely.
You will absolutely receive your scheduled ultrasounds in the office – a very safe environment.* Besides that, you’ll meet regularly with our team of maternal-fetal specialists via telehealth technology. There is no change whatsoever in the level of care and monitoring you receive. If a problem develops, our offices are open and we’re here for you. Always. That hasn’t changed one iota.
If you have a scheduled C-section, it’s business as usual. Same with an emergency C-section.
Rest assured that your scheduled C-section will go ahead as planned. Because we recognize the importance of support during delivery, delivering mothers can have one support person present. To create a completely safe labor and delivery environment, we’re taking these two steps:
We’re screening all support people to make sure they’re asymptomatic. We take their temperature upon arrival and every 12 hours thereafter.
We’re testing all women in labor and those scheduled for a C-section upon arrival and during labor. This is rapid, easy testing with a swab.
If you need an emergency C-section, the care you’ll receive has not changed in any way.
What can you expect when you arrive at NWH to have your baby?
Up to 9 pm, everything is the same. Simply enter the hospital’s main entrance and go to the third floor Labor and Delivery Department. What if you arrive after 9 pm?
After 9 pm, maternity patients enter through our emergency room entrance. Please don’t worry. You are in no danger of exposure. At this entrance, everyone is immediately screened and masked regardless of symptoms. If you are pregnant, you bypass the ER and go straight to the maternity floor. Let me emphasize: You do not walk through the ER itself. And our safety protocol at the entrance means you will not be exposed to coronavirus as you pass through the door.
How else do we keep you and your baby safe? In all these ways:
Delivery rooms are private
So are all postpartum rooms
Everyone is screened upon arrival
Support partners are continually screened
All pregnant women are tested for the virus
Stay calm. Keep doing all the healthy things you’re doing. We’ve got you protected.
Editor’s note: * Please note that Northwell Health Physician Partners and Caremount Medical OBs are offering Telehealth visits to maternity patients.

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