Free Taxi Rides Home On Heineken’s Tab this New Year’s Eve

Now in its ninth year, the “New Year. Safe Ride.” Program paid for by Heineken and sponsored by Westchester County, the city of White Plains, White Plains Hospital and the White Plains BID, will provide free taxi rides home within Westchester for people partying in White Plains this New Year’s Eve.
Taxicabs participating in the service will pick revelers up at the corner of Mamaroneck Avenue and Post Road between 11 p.m. on December 31 and 3 a.m. on January 1. Residents must be of legal drinking age to take advantage of the program.
“Heineken USA (located at 360 Hamilton Ave.) is a proud member of the White Plains community and we are thrilled to stand alongside our community partners to underscore the importance of enjoying a safe and happy holiday season,” said Stacey Tank, Senior Vice President & Chief Corporate Relations Officer at a press conference to kick off the program last week. “The ‘New Year. Safe Ride.’ program is a long-standing demonstration of the importance Heineken USA places on enjoying responsibly.”Fireworks
According to police reports New Year’s Day is the most dangerous time for people driving. Last year 330 people died in car accidents due to intoxication on New Year’s Eve in New York State. Almost 4,300 died in car accidents that same day nationwide.
Ertha Small Nicolas, R.N., ED Nurse Manager, White Plains Hospital, who has seen the victims of drunk driving accidents, encouraged residents to enjoy themselves but to take advantage of the Safe Ride program.
Carole Sears, President, MADD of Westchester County, who lost her husband and sustained serious physical injuries herself 10 years ago due to a head-on collision involving an intoxicated driver, explained that a car is a two-ton weapon.
The driver that plowed into her vehicle had been stopped just 15 minutes earlier by a police officer (in a Southern state) who had told him if he kept driving while drinking, he would eventually kill someone. That police officer let him go. Sears’ life was changed forever as a result.
County police officers at the press conference said “that would not happen in Westchester. If you are stopped while driving under the influence of alcohol, you will be arrested.”
Additional details on the “New Year. Safe Ride.” program and the Taxi Magic application can be found at and in participating restaurants and bars, as well as other locations throughout downtown White Plains.