
Examiner Was on Target for Placing Disclaimer on Climate Letter

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Kudos to The Examiner for publishing the letter from Patrick Mosman (“Climate Crisis Based on Models That Cannot Predict Future Temperatures,” April 4-10). By following the letter with a disclaimer stating, “There is unequivocal evidence of climate change” and directing readers to online resources on the issue, the paper has honored the writer’s freedom to express his view while also fulfilling its journalistic duty to present its readers with the truth.

Unfortunately, because politicians have so battered the idea of the press as a neutral arbiter of news, analysis and opinion, many people seem ready to reject fact-based reporting out of hand. I suspect, though, that The Examiner will receive correspondence from many readers eager to explain why climate change is real and what society needs to do in order to counter its most extreme effects.

Rob Abbot

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