Empire City Casino Assists with Emergency Blood Shortage
News Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

With local blood supplies at their lowest recent levels in the New York region, Empire City Casino by MGM Resorts once again partnered with the New York Blood Center to host a community blood drive on June 22.
“We are grateful to Empire City Casino and the New York Blood Center for hosting this blood drive, which addresses a critical problem,” said Westchester County Executive George Latimer. “The need for blood is constant – and is essential to help patients survive surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses and traumatic injuries. Lifesaving care can begin with just one person making a donation, and the County is honored to support such an important cause.”
The blood drive in Yonkers provided an opportunity to raise awareness on the importance and vital need for regular blood donations. The blood drive resulted in nearly 50 donations that were sent to local area hospitals to treat patients in need.
New York Blood Center currently only has a two to three-day supply of blood, which is well-below what is typically needed by local area hospitals to treat patients ranging from trauma victims, newborn babies and their mothers, to cancer patients and beyond.
One state elected official that has supported the annual initiative year by co-sponsoring but also donating at the blood drive is New York State Senator Shelley Mayer. She also regularly donates blood at drives held throughout her district.
“Thank you to Empire City Casino by MGM Resorts and New York Blood Center for organizing this blood drive,” Mayer said. “Donating is an important way we can show our support for our community, especially as we face a severe blood shortage. I encourage all my neighbors who are eligible to donate.”
Nationally, more than 4.5 million Americans require a blood transfusion annually, with an individual needing blood every two seconds. Despite this extensive need, only 10 percent of eligible blood donors in the United States actually donate.

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