
Editorial: Carlucci Can Deliver for the 38th State Senate District and the Rest of New York

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David Carlucci
David Carlucci

State Senator David Carlucci has proven himself during his first term in office  He has helped the legislature be its most productive by reaching across party aisles and do what is right for his constituents, not just his political career. For that reason, he should be re-elected to represent the 38th State Senate District.

Carlucci has shown that he is not a traditional politician by balking at the partisan games and being one of four Democratic senators to form the Independent Democratic Caucus.

He has been hailed as a Hero of Reform by former New York City mayor Ed Koch and was one of the few officials endorsed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo this year.

Carlucci votes based on what he thinks is right, not along party lines –voting in favor of same-sex marriages, the two-percent property tax cap, repeal of the MTA payroll tax for small businesses and the restructuring of the New York State tax code.

As the current chairman of the Administrative Regulations Review Commission, Carlucci is able to identify areas where too much regulation could in fact be holding the state back from prospering. By being a member of other committees including: Banks, Elections, Higher Education and Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs, he has been able to work on issues that affect his constituents.

Carlucci is eager to take on the issues that are important to Ossining which he feels are the same as those he has become so familiar with in Rockland.

Castaldi brings experience to the table. Knowing how to find waste within a company and helping a business find the means to which to grow is invaluable. But her belief that individuals without children should pay less toward school taxes is impractical.

Carlucci’s push to re-instate the STAR rebate check is a much more probable solution for property tax relief. That is, so long as the $200 million cost could be offset from savings somewhere else in the budget.

Both candidates want to lower taxes and cut the state’s spending.  Carlucci is already working with the powers-that-be to make it a reality and not just a campaign talking point.

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