The Accidental Writer: E.D. Martin would love to fish with Ernest Hemingway while eating veggies during Thanksgiving!
The other day I got a chance to interview the immensely talented E.D. Martin. She’s been a barista, economic development analyst, high school teacher and, of course, an author. Her writing is character focused and whether you love her characters or hate them, you’ll definitely feel strongly about them. She’s published one novel The Lone Wolf, a number of short stories and Evolved Publishing is about to publish a new compilation of her short stories in a book titled – The Futility of Loving a Soldier.
If you had the chance to spend one entire day with any writer, who would you choose and why?
I’d like to spend a day with Ernest Hemingway fishing off the Florida Keys. I admire his stripped-down prose, because he could convey so much emotion in the fewest words necessary. And I’d love to have a discussion with him about his female characters (who are either young, beautiful, and ditzy, or old, unattractive, and wise) and the importance of strong women in books and society. I anticipate that one of us would probably end up having to swim back to shore.
I notice that you write both novels and short stories. Do you take different approaches to each?
I start with the same approach for both – a basic plot point, a character, maybe an ending. Sometimes I can wrap up the idea in a short story, but sometimes it’s too complex and it becomes a novel instead. The key for me is knowing when the story is finished, even though sometimes it could be expanded into a novel if I wanted to go deeper into the characters and themes. In The Futility of Loving a Soldier, I’ve compromised between the two forms by writing connected short stories, with the same characters and setting. In my novel The Lone Wolf, I also combined the forms because the storyline of the male main character skips around to related-but-separate influential events in his life.
What inspired you to write your short story compilation, the Futility of Loving A Soldier?
My professional background has brought me into contact with a lot of traditionally disenfranchised people, and I’ve always tried to humanize them by seeing their perspectives. When I write, I try to convey their side to people who may not know what it’s like to be in their situations. Veterans are an especially vulnerable population – they experience physical and emotional trauma that they’re expected to ignore, and that’s not healthy or really even possible for a lot of them. I’ve seen firsthand how debilitating it can be for some of them, especially when they don’t feel supported. This story collection is my way of trying to bring their stories to the public’s attention, so maybe they’ll have a better chance to heal.
Since we are entering Turkey Season, what’s you favorite Thanksgiving Day food?
I’m a huge fan of the veggies: mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, glazed carrots, etc. Even though they’re usually drenched in butter and salt, I can pretend I’m eating healthy when I fill my plate with them.
To find out more about E.D. Martin, visit her website at

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