Dancing With the Yorktown Stars Raises $14,000 for Relay

Susan Berry, principal of Mohansic School and her professional partner Martin Smith may have won the coveted trophy, but it was Relay for Life that was the winner of the Dancing with the Yorktown Stars competition last Friday night at Ceola Manor. Over 350 people were on hand for the event, which was organized by the Bunco Babes and Class Act Relay for Life teams. The night raised $14,000 for the Yorktown Relay for Life.
“All of the couples were incredible…their song choice and dance moves had the crowd cheering and clapping for the entire show,” said Lynne Rothman, who led the event organization. “The judges had us laughing with their praise and cliché comments bringing many of us back to the disco days!”
There were eight teams in the competition.
Susan Berry, Mohansic Elementary School principal, teamed up with dance professional, Martin Smith of Smiths Dancing School. Teacher Mary Froats paired up with dance professional, Jason Pimentel of Arthur Murray Dance Studios.
The local males competing included Yorktown Leo Club advisor Al Avitabile who teamed up with dance pro, Jennifer Larrabee of Peggy Izzo’s The Dance Workshop. Yorktown Athletic Club President Rich Campanaro paired up with dance professional, Donna Clark of On My Toes Dance Academy. Yorktown Police Officer Rich Finn danced with dance professional, Alexis Diaz of Street Beatz Dance Studio. Yorktown Town Supervisor Michael Grace teamed up with dance pro, Ariana DiBenedetto of Dance for Joy, Councilman Terrance Murphy danced with dance pro, Danielle Izzo of Peggy Izzo’s The Dance Workshop and Councilman Dave Paganelli competed with dance pro, Debbie Mellone of Miss Andrea’s School of Dance.
In addition to the teams volunteering their time and efforts,other community members contributed to the success of the day. Tino Sinapi of Ceola Manor donated the use of the facility and the food. Andrew Stein of Andrew Stein Videography donated his time to video tape the event. Additionally, Tara Rosenblum, News12 anchor, volunteered to co-host the event and conduct post dancing interviews.
“We are so fortunate and blessed to be a part of this Yorktown community that is so generous and supportive of coming together to raise money for our Yorktown Relay,” said Rothman. “This is the sentiment we heard throughout the evening. I feel, many felt so proud to stand together representing our community.”

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.