Letter to the Editor: Cortlandt GOP Seeks Candidates for Nov. 2021 Election
Thinking of running for office of getting involved in your community?
We need dedicated public servants in local government, especially in these difficult times. If you are a resident of the Town of Cortlandt and you think you may want to get involved either by running for local office or just getting involved in your community please contact me.
Next year all town offices are up for election, Town Supervisor Open Seat and two Town Board seats, Receiver of Taxes Open Seat and Town Clerk and Town Justice. We will be interviewing candidates this December and early January 2021. Individuals of any political party and background are invited.
Please contact the committee at danielpaganolaw@optonline.net.
We look forward to meeting you.
Thank you and keep safe.
Daniel L. Pagano, Esq.
Chairman, Town of Cortlandt Republican Committee

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