
Correcting the Record on One Point From Pocantico Lakes Public Hearing

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Regarding Martin Wilbur’s article last week on the Pocantico Lakes DEIS public hearing for the Meadows at Briarcliff proposed 31 homes adjacent to the Critical Environmental Area and county park, I want to correct one item in the otherwise accurate summary of comments. I did not say that 17,000 cubic yards of fill would be “taken out of the site.” The steep slope disturbance created by the homes proposed on the eastern edge of the site above Pocantico Lake and other earthwork will require bringing approximately 17,000 cubic yards of fill into the site with 750 truck trips. In fact, the total earthwork is far more than the 17,000 cubic yards of fill being brought in to balance this intensive proposed plan in an environmentally sensitive area. The article continues to correctly summarize my comments regarding the potential contamination from the imported fill infiltrating downslope and into Pocantico Lake, a backup water source.

Steven Kavee
Chair, Town of Mount Pleasant Conservation Advisory Council

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