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Chappaqua Music School Celebrates Milestone Anniversary

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By Anna Carpinelli

Music in Chappaqua founder and director Angie Angier, second from right, surrounded by her team of instructors at the music school she opened 30 years ago.

Thirty years ago, after touring Europe and performing in New York City, Angie Angier decided to spend six months in Chappaqua teaching music lessons to save money for law school.

She never left.

“I started teaching, and I fell in love with the student body, the people, the talent, the parents, the amount they cared; it was just this mecca of really capable people that wanted to be taught,” Angier said.

Intending to only defer her studies for a year, Angier never went to law school. Instead, she brought friends to Chappaqua, individuals who could teach various instruments and musical genres, and founded Music in Chappaqua.

Last Thursday, as Music in Chappaqua celebrated its 30th anniversary, a community of supporters – students, friends and family – celebrated Angier’s accomplishments at her North Greeley Avenue school.

The evening was filled with live music, as a band comprised of some of Angier’s instructors and students came together to perform songs such as Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie” and “Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia. The music contributed to the lively atmosphere, reminding guests of one of Music in Chappaqua’s greatest accomplishments – creating joy and entertainment through music.

Since its founding, Music in Chappaqua has grown impressively, which Angier largely attributes to her dedicated staff. She elaborated that many individuals can be musically talented, but to be able to teach music is a different skill.

“Each person that comes in seems to love teaching more than the last,” she said.

1: Music in Chappaqua founder and director Angie Angier, second from right, surrounded by her team of instructors at the music school she opened 30 years ago.

Music in Chappaqua has grown, Angier has as well. Her ability to take the needs of students into account not only allows her students to improve their skills, it gives them opportunities to explore diverse styles of music.

Currently, Music in Chappaqua offers a variety of programs, including private lessons, rock workshops, how to be a DJ, early childhood classes and preparation for auditions for organizations like the New York State School Music Association. Angier specifically highlighted the school’s indie workshops, an opportunity for students to take songs from artists and create their own renditions.

Beyond the specific programs, Angier said there are many intrinsic qualities to studying music or learning an instrument. The activities offer students the opportunity to find their voice, boost self-confidence and find recognition as an individual artist. Then there are formative benefits, such as enhancing hand-eye coordination and engaging one’s senses, which can lead to improvement in other areas of life.

“That’s what music does, it opens the hemispheres, creating communication throughout your body,” Angier said. “Things like learning languages become easier, doing math, spatial relations and logical reasoning.”

As the school celebrates 30 years, Angier said the legacy of the school is the students. Their abilities are not only a testament to their talent, but a tangible representation of the devotion of Angier and her staff.

“I feel that what we do that’s special is we take any student, their strengths, ambitions or abilities and customize the lessons to bring the absolute best out of them,” she said. “I think that’s something I’d like to leave on this community. Rather than putting a stamp on something, it’s more like nurturing the individual.”

Having had more than 7,500 students over the past three decades, Music in Chappaqua has been a foundation to the success of many musicians, and it promises to continue encouraging creativity and talent for many years to come.

To learn more about Music in Chappaqua and the programs it offers, call 914-238-3123 or visit

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