
Carmel School District Looking to Identify Graduates Who Died in Service

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The Carmel Board of Education’s Facilities and Transportation Committee is endeavoring to identify the names of all Carmel High School students who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our nation in the armed forces. It is our hope to honor the sacrifice made by these heroes on a plaque to be placed in a prominent location at the school.

To date, we have identified the following Carmel High School students:

World War II: Sgt. John J. Cook and Second Lt. William Mahl. We also believe that Pvt. Francis J. Adams may have been a Carmel High School student.

Korean War: Pfc. Richard F. Turpin

Vietnam War: Cpl. James C. Foster Jr., Lt. Col. Harry Roy Lagerwall and Capt. Edward I. Starr.

If you are aware of a former Carmel High School student who died while serving our country, please send an e-mail to jcurzio1@carmelschools.org, vcrocco@carmelschools.org, jparaske@carmelschools.org, or BOE@carmelschools.org. You can also call at 845-902-8477.

We thank the community for their assistance in helping honor our community’s heroes.

John C. Curzio II
Valerie Crocco
Jason Paraskeva
Transportation and Facilities Committee
Carmel Board of Education

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