Business Profile: Video SEO Pro, White Plains

By this time in a high-tech world, most companies know they must have an online presence to promote their businesses. What many business owners don’t realize, is how important it is to optimize their sites so potential customers can find them.
According to Westchester residents David Vogel and Neco Turkienicz, partners in a new venture called Video SEO Pro, the key to attracting new business online is Search Engine Optimization. Specifically, the goal is to get your company’s name onto the first page of Google whenever a potential customer searches for the product or service you offer.
To do this, Vogel and Turkienicz use video to optimize the message and they are so certain of their success in getting their customers’ information onto the first page of Google that they offer a money back guarantee if this feat is not accomplished within 90 days of the site going live.
Vogel and Turkienicz met about six years ago when their jobs intersected in New York.
Vogel, born and raised in Westchester, had moved to Hollywood to pursue a career in film. He was involved with special effects for the Star Wars movies and later was involved in production and post-production work on music videos and TV commercials. He moved back east to New York City where he worked with ad agencies combining his creative knowledge of marketing, video editing and graphics production to make outstanding commercials.
Turkienicz, now lives in White Plains, but he hails from Brazil and Israel where he started in TV commercials 24 years ago. His work involved Sports TV and documentaries as well as advertising. When he moved to New York, he became involved in animation.
Being entrepreneurs at heart, and with a similar vision, they decided to combine their technical and creative skills in 2010 and formed Sign Post Digital a signage company using TV screens for in-store video promotions as well as at airports, hotels and the like.
When Vogel received a phone call from his father saying he could not find Sign Post Digital online, he realized his customers probably could not find it as well. That’s when he began to optimize his site.
When a client called because he had seen the digital signage video he had created for the site, Vogel realized the tremendous power of video as a marketing tool.
According to Video SEO Pro, marketing studies show that more than 80 percent of website viewers will leave a website if there is no video and 75 percent of Internet users will not go past the first page on Google to search for a product or service. “YouTube is the Number 2 search engine after Google,” said Turkienicz, “Google owns YouTube and gives preference to rich media like video, so just by having a link to a video you are 50 times more likely to be ranked on the first page of searches.”
The company creates two minute videos to bring traffic to their customers’ websites. The search engine optimization is built right into the video. And each video is clickable, meaning a customer can go directly to the website at any point while watching the video.
To make each production unique, the team meets with customers to determine the type of video that works best for them. Then either a studio or on-site filming date is set and the footage shot. Vogel and Turkienicz work with each client in advance so they know exactly how to move and what to say if they are participating in the video. Their many years of film production make this easy.
They also discuss their client’s product or service to determine what key search words should be used to optimize the video.
Vogel is convinced that video is the key to moving business in this day of smart phones and high-speed Internet access. “When a potential customer views a video, there is something intimate about the experience,” he says, recalling a story when an online boat seller had a customer drive hundreds of miles to purchase a boat because he had seen the seller’s video and decided he liked his approach to boating.
Vogel and Turkienicz have prepared a page at that explains how this video marketing tool works. Check it out. You can also view their website at or call 914-368-9600 for more information.