The Northern Westchester Examiner

Bianco to Request Census Recount

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Yorktown Councilman Nick Bianco
Yorktown Councilman Nick Bianco

Yorktown Councilman Nick Bianco will request that the Town Board approve a resolution protesting the 2010 U.S. Census results and ask for a recount be done for the town.

“I have been in contact with Westchester County Planner Ed Burroughs and John Tiegeder of our planning department about our census numbers; we are down slightly and our surrounding communities are all up. They feel that there may be a mistake and we have to protest within 40 days and it is about 15 days now to the federal census bureau,” said Bianco.

The census results impact the town’s portion of sales tax dollars as well as the districting of county and state representations.

“This protest cost us nothing and the county planning department will put the paper work in for us,” stated Bianco. “I would like to speak about this at the pre-meeting tomorrow and if Jennette [the town attorney] can prepare a resolution for town board to review and [have it ready]for possible passage tomorrow evening at our regular meeting.”

Councilman Jim Martorano would like to co-sponsor the resolution with Bianco. “The census numbers have far reaching effects on a number of issues- especially our budget.” Martorano said. “Councilman Bianco and I are in complete agreement that we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by challenging the initial numbers presented.”

Both Bianco and Martorano are running for re-election in the 2011 race.

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