Astorino Will Make Sure to Protect Those That Protect the Public
The onslaught of letters to the editor against Rob Astorino is an organized, targeted attack and not random. The approach is write enough bad things, something will stick.
Rob is a good Catholic man with common sense and values I would like to believe are shared by the majority of us.
Besides the tragic loss, the 9/11 anniversary reminds me of 9/12/2001, what it felt like to be a New Yorker and an American, when your political party or the color of your skin didn’t matter. We were united that day and the days that followed. First responders were revered and praised for their service and sacrifice. American flags flew everywhere.
Today there is division, lawlessness and total disregard for our country. Our flag is now a symbol of protest and disdain for some, including many progressive politicians, but not Rob Astorino.
When COVID-19 started, our first responders, once again, were heroes. Yet only a few short months later, they were attacked, villainized and despised. I’m sorry, but condemning an entire group of men and woman because they wear a blue uniform is discrimination. There are bad apples in every profession and they should be prosecuted, but the overwhelming majority of police officers are good and love our communities. Rob Astorino recognizes this. Who does not have a family member or friend who is a first responder? Well, they are in danger, and so are we as law-abiding citizens.
Sen. Peter Harkham co-sponsored the bail reform legislation that has left our precious state in turmoil. With the recent widespread rioting, looting and protesting, the violence has been unprecedented. This legislation and other political directives have emasculated our law enforcement officers by forcing them not to enforce the law against those who commit violent crimes against our citizens, businesses and our police officers. If they are even arrested, they are released right back into our communities to offend again.
These same politicians are calling to defund the police, but not Rob Astorino. The ongoing violence and damages are a result of a government that is ineffective. If we don’t want New York to turn into Chicago, Seattle, Portland or Kenosha, then we must vote for someone who will defend our safety, support and improve law enforcement, protect all citizens and has common sense. That person is Rob Astorino.
We need to get back to that place of unity in those post-9/11 days, and that won’t happen with politicians who continue to allow lawlessness, insecurity and defamation.
I will be voting for Rob Astorino. For all of our sake, I hope you will, too.
Angela M. Outhouse