Albano’s Republican, Independence Petitions Thrown Out

Legislator Carl Albano failed to submit the signatures needed to appear on the Republican or Independence lines, falling short, he said, because of changes in the district lines. Now he will submit opportunity to ballot petitions, which if successful would allow members of these parties to write in his name.
When collecting signatures for petitions, candidates for office generally aim to collect the signatures required and additional signatures for a buffer in case some are rejected. Albano, running for a second term representing parts of Carmel and Patterson, said once he reached the threshold he stopped collecting signatures.
“Half of my family and myself, we didn’t even sign my own petitions,” Albano said. “It was a big mistake.”
The petitions were challenged, and enough were invalidated to knock Albano off the ballot. The district’s lines have changed since the last time Albano ran, and the legislator said he discovered some of the signatures were of individuals no longer residing in his district.
“Bottom line is it was a screw-up, and somebody was sitting there waiting for something like this,” said Albano. “Apparently I’m getting a big lesson in politics.”
Albano’s petitions for the Conservative line have not been invalidated, according to Board of Elections commissioner Tony Scannapieco.
Albano, assuming he ends up on the ballot, will face Carmel Democrat Scott Friedman.