Display Advertising Form
Use the form below to enter your information and upload your camera-ready art. Please prepare your files according to the following specifications:
Digital files:
- Saved as high-res PDF or JPEG files, at 300 DPI.
- Save color images in CMYK format. (No matched Pantone colors.)
Ad sizes: (width x height)
- Full Page: 9.75” x 11.82”
- 1/2 Page: 9.75” x 5.8”
- 1/4 Page: 4.7813” x 5.8”
- 1/8 Page: 4.7813” x 2.8”
- 1/16 Page: 2.2969” x 2.8”
- Banner Ad: 9.75” x 2”
Please note that ad space must be reserved by Friday at 5 p.m. to run in the following Tuesday’s paper.