
What are the 8 Amazing Types of Kitchen Scales?

Ever find yourself in the middle of making a recipe and realize that your measurements are totally off? Been there, done that. In fact, the right kitchen gear makes all the difference.

These tools help us weigh ingredients accurately. And guess what? Not all scales are created equal.

There are eight different types of kitchen scales, all having different perks for various needs in cooking. A dish can make all the difference between good and great, such as while making a cake or pasta.

So, in this post, I am going to take you through those types of ranges, their features, and how they will fit your style of cooking accordingly. Get ready for making your kitchen tasks easier and accurate for your needs!

Key Takeaways

  • Kitchen scales come in different types like mechanical, digital, stainless steel, balance scales, and smart nutrition scales. Each type has its unique features to match cooking needs.
  • Digital scales are great for precise measurements and can have special functions like the tare feature. Stainless steel scales are durable and easy to clean.
  • Smart nutrition scales help track dietary information by connecting to food databases. This is helpful for people focusing on their health.
  • When choosing a kitchen scale, consider accuracy, ease of use, units of measurement, purpose, calibration needs, and if it’s Legal for Trade certified.
  • Specialized kitchen scales such as Baker’s Dough Scales and Pizza Scales assist with specific culinary tasks, guaranteeing consistency in recipes or business settings.

Types of Kitchen Scales

Kitchen scales come in so many shapes and sizes, but each has its special job. A chef, or just those who love cooking at home, may consider a digital kitchen scale coming with multiple features. From the old, mechanical scale your grandma probably had, to the modern, high-tech digital ones that link to your phone, it can all be very mind-boggling just to make sure everything is a go.

Some are made of strong stainless steel, while others made of it may even be out, like those of an old-school seesaw. Then again, there are these smart scales that weigh food and tell you about the nutrition in it.

The gadgets play quite an important role in aiding perfect measurement of ingredients in cooking, for surely, nobody would like to have salty soup or flat cakes!

Mechanical Scale

Mechanical scales use springs and balances to measure weights. These old-fashioned tools are simple but reliable for cooking. You put food on them, and they show how heavy it is by making a spring inside press down.

Many chefs like these scales because they don’t need batteries or electricity. Just place your ingredients on the tray and watch the pointer move until it stops at the weight. This type of scale is great for recipes that use pounds or grams.

Digital Scale

Digital scales have really redefined the game in the kitchen. They offer an accuracy and precision feature that sometimes may be the measure in making or breaking a recipe. They are characterized by instant indication of an exact weight measure, which is critically important in the process of cooking and baking.

It is unlike a traditional measuring cup; this gadget is effective and keeps clean. Add to that, it has some amazing features such as the tare function, which users can take away the weight of a container to give the net weight of the content.

This feature is especially handy for getting those small measurements just right.

They are perfect for contemporary kitchens. Digital scales measure ingredients more quickly and sensitively compared to mechanical ones. Most digital ones have LCD readings that help in reading weight easily without strain. So, whether brewing that perfect cup of coffee or baking up some chocolate chip cookies, it allows you to measure out just what is needed.

And then, there is counting calories; the devices will also help in counting the nutritional value. Its sleek design makes digital scales as much of a statement piece as they do an indispensable gadget for the kitchen in maintaining a healthy diet.

Stainless Steel Scale

One of the types of scales “shining” in the kitchen is stainless steel. These robust tools withstand corrosion, even for people who use them frequently. Furthermore, they could be cleaned easily, which would make post-cooking activity easier.

These not only weighing devices that are well designed but practical. On some models, the devices come with ramps to ensure that working with such huge containers as drums and barrels becomes easier than ever before. There is less lifting, and the workflow is smoother when measuring ingredients to brew coffee or just mixing dough for the pizza.

Stainless steel scales are constructed with the same expertise and attractive design demanded by the professional chef and required by the casual cook.

Balance Scales

types of kitchen scales

Balance scales are also similarly smart gadgets used to make measurements in the preparation of ingredients and administration of portions. They use the equating principle of the item being measured to a set of masses that have already been known. This can be observed in a kitchen where precision cooking and baking are done.

They’re also handy in mailrooms to weigh packages before shipping.

In fact, great for jobs that need precision, such as mixing ingredients according to the recipe or measuring food in a single portion size. Commonly, balance scales are confused with another kind of weighing apparatus, but rather, their usability is quite different. Whether you’re making a cookbook recipe or sending out a parcel, these scales help you get the weight just right.

Smart Nutrition Scale

Game changers for sure in the kitchen, for those that need to watch over their dietary requirements. With a brand like Etekcity at the helm and Greater Goods taking the lead, this digital companion can read over 8,000 different food items.

But they go much more beyond merely weighing your food. They will report in great detail the nutritional value of your food—this means getting information about weight, calories, vitamins, and minerals directly from the weighing machine.

These intelligent devices have a connection established with databases like USDA and give access to nutritional information in a quicker way. Take, for example, the Glucology Food Nutrition Scale, which accesses the databases and at the tap of the user’s finger gives almost instantaneous facts of what they are eating.

These bathroom scales are quite key to those looking to lose weight through informed dieting with exact measurements in portion control and calorie intake. No more second-guessing if you’re really eating as healthy as you think!

Features to Consider When Choosing a Kitchen Scale

Picking the right kitchen scale goes beyond just looks. It’s a mix of finding accuracy, ease, and the right units for your cooking needs.


Here’s where kitchen scales really come into their own, though. In this regard, electronic scales usually win out against traditional ones. In simple terms, it will give you a much closer reading of the true weight of your ingredients.

Factors like air currents and room temperature might affect the scale’s accuracy, but good ones manage these well.

Most kitchen scales give readings down to half their smallest measurement unit, and that ought to take care of most of the needs in cooking. When you’re brewing coffee or making sauerkraut, you need to measure precisely.

The Escali Primo Digital Scale ensures that what you’re weighing is exact, so every one of your dishes comes out perfect every time.

Ease of use

When it comes to making the right choice of kitchen scales, it should be a no brainer. You would want to buy one that can be put to use almost immediately and not spend hours pouring over a manual to understand how it works. It is the best kitchen scale to use.

That means clear displays, easy-to-use controls, and the tare feature to zero out container weights. Speaking of cleanup, scales with a removable platform take the chore right out of keeping everything neat.

Also consider how you will be using the scale. If you are brewing coffee or cooking the latest recipe from a collection in one of the books, then fast accuracy is very key. A scale that quickly measures the ingredients will make you concentrate more on the recipe than fumbling over buttons on the scale.

Get a digital design that can readily convert from grams, ounces, to pounds without giving you room for error; it should provide you with accurate precision when measuring any item.

Units of measurement

Sometimes, the best help to get a recipe perfect a cook can have is the units of measure on a kitchen scale. Digital kitchen scales excel here: they can switch from ounces and grams to pounds without any hassle for cooks.

Consider the cook with a fantastic recipe from halfway around the world to work from. For example, if a cake recipe requires the cake to be baked with ingredients measured in grams, and the cook only possesses an ounce scale.

Frustrating, right? With digital scales, this problem disappears. Kitchen scales come prepared to deal with any unit of measure. Some even have capacities down to measuring teaspoons of vanilla or grains of salt. The scale doesn’t mind if the cupfuls of flour for cookies or pounds of cheese for pizza are its job; the computations are ready. Accuracy matters for those in food service or making dishes according to bakers’ percentages.

The ability to calibrate for exact measurements ensures what you cook turns out just how it should every time


Depending on what you will be using it for, due to you, for the right kitchen scale. Scales make cooking better by measuring ingredients for a precise recipe. That means a cleaner kitchen with fewer messes! In gourmet cuisine, precision is key.

Just as a helpful note, a digital food scale can tell you exactly how much of an ingredient you need to put in so your dishes will turn out just the way they are supposed to each and every time.

Some people do it for health reasons. They weigh the food to find out how many calories are in a portion. Others will perhaps be using a scale at their workplace, maybe at a bakery or a meat counter in a butchery.

Precision here is a must to ensure customers acquire what they pay for. Here are the options: if the recipe calls for precision down to the last gram, if you are selling products by weight, or for whatever purpose the decision of the scale is dictated.


Calibration ensures an accurate kitchen scale. This is testing and adjustment that assures the checking of things’ measures is done correctly. This way, it gives one assurance of trusting their weighing scale when they are in the process of selling food or cooking. It is pretty much like setting a clock in order for it to show the correct time.

If your scale is likely to require periodic calibration, especially those that are using it for business, then it is necessary. You could also test your home scale against something in your house that you know is accurate—perhaps a bag of pre-weighed sugar.

A range of tests with different weights ensures that the measurement is the same throughout. Professional help can be sought if one wants the entire thing done by some other person to assure that proper guidance is provided.

Legal for Trade (LFT) certification

Legal for Trade (LFT) is quite the big deal in the world of scales and weighing devices. A weighing scale requires this badge to be used in selling items that use the weight unit of measurement. For example, if one was to buy, say, a couple of pounds of candy, the store weighing scale should be pretty accurate, right? This is where the LFT certification comes in.

It means a scale passed tough tests and got a special number showing it’s good to go.

Manufacturers who nail those tests get a Certificate of Conformance number. But this isn’t just any number; it’s proof that the scales measure up—literally. And there’s more. These scales also feature NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) certification. Think of NTEP as a superhero shield, which assures a person that his or her scale, from a fruit-selling scale to a gold jewelry scale, will offer real numbers! Besides, there are classes of the LFT scales suitable for anything from baking ingredients to shipping packages.

Specialized Kitchen Scales

There are some tasks in the kitchen which are done with the help of special tools. Specialized kitchen scales fit to requirements exactly. There are different types of such scales: baker’s dough scales, hanging scales, etc., which help in baking bread for the task of weighing large cuts of meat.

Not in the mood to spend time getting the dough just right? Pizza Scales make it easy. Otherwise, for most other applications, including selling food by weight, consider the Digital Price Computing Scales. Need to check incoming supplies? The Receiving Scales has that covered as well.

With these special scales, every measuring task becomes easier and more accurate.

Baker’s Dough Scales

The other useful tool in the bakery is the Baker’s Dough Scales. They are used to weigh the dough and other ingredients in the bakery with precision.

It helps in baking with the same taste and outlook every time, since it is accurate. This is what is known as the counterbalance scales machines.

That is where the weighing machines come to the forefront, mostly in places like professional setups. That is when getting a gram or milliliter perfect can count. From a small batch of cookies to the large mixture with several loaves, these ensure perfect making.

With Baker’s Dough Scales, bakers trust their mix will turn out great every time they bake.

Hanging Scales

Hanging scales shine in markets and grocery stores. Their high weight capacity makes weighing fruits and veggies a breeze. Unlike typical kitchen gadgets, these scales can handle up to 20 lbs! Imagine hanging a big bag of apples and getting the weight right away—that’s what they do best.

These scales aren’t just about strength; they offer detailed measurements so you can be sure about the weight of larger goods or finds from your fishing trip.

Pizza Scales

Pizza scales are special tools for making pizza dough. They measure ingredients very accurately. This is important for restaurants, pizza places, and bakeries that make a lot of pizzas.

These scales help keep every pizza tasting the same.

An example is the PIZA 12 Digital Pizza Making and Portion Control Scale. It’s made for businesses that serve food. Pizza scales can also be used in shops selling sandwiches or ice cream to ensure correct portions.

Digital Price Computing Scales

different types of kitchen scales


In most cases, especially whereby the sellers have to determine what to charge according to the weight of the goods, these digital scales are super useful. These scales are also referred to as the legal trade scales, which are meant to ensure that everybody has his or her fair share.

Ideal for the person selling wares by weight—think fruits, vegetables, or meat at a farmer’s market. The devices make it easy to get the price right.

Total price is quoted depending on the weight—per ounce or per gram, whatever is applicable to the buyer’s preference. It is then to be multiplied by the net weight offered from here, the amount due from both the buyer and the seller will reflect.

In addition, the screens are provided to show such kind of information very obviously, without room for mistakes. The scale is a must in its field of work for those working with bulk items or in the sale of items, the ingredients for which need to be measured.

Receiving Scales

For chefs and restaurant proprietors, receiving scales turn out to be very essential in the kitchen. These scales measure items as they come in bulk, hence keeping the suppliers and the staff honest at such times.

This provides a surety of ordered supply in the right quantity up to the kitchen and not undue surprises. It ensures the ability to weigh large consignments during stocktaking.

Perhaps this is the reason most kitchens go digital on the receiving scales over the analog ones, perhaps for their precision. These then can be able to check on proper amounts of incoming food or any other required shipments to ensure the right amount comes every time.

With easy-to-read displays to toggle between units, such tools make the handling of the supplies easier.

Final Thoughts

Picking the right kitchen scales can change how you cook. Mechanical, digital, and smart nutrition scales each have their perks. Think about what you need—accuracy, easy reading, or special features like diet tracking.

Some scales meet the exact needs of baking or selling food. Let your culinary adventure begin with the perfect scale by your side.


1. What types of kitchen scales are there?


With regard to the kitchen scale, there are also some options. The gram pocket scale works well for those small, exact measurements. Of course, there are the standard scales – both traditional and imperial units used in the measurement; think pounds/ounces or grams/kilograms. For tech-savvy cooks, digital scales with timers or even ones that connect to a POS system might be just what you need.

2. Can kitchen scales really make a difference in cooking?

Sure! Imagine yourself baking a cake without the use of any measuring equipment. That sounds rather disaster-prone, doesn’t it? Kitchen scales help in avoiding inaccuracies in the amounts of ingredients by giving exact measurements. It’s important for an exact gauge of what a recipe calls for, whether that’s Cook’s Illustrated recommending an exact amount of flour or keeping your mixer from overloading.

3. Are all kitchen scales approved for commercial use?

Now, this is the interesting kicker. Not all of them were created equal when it comes to commercial use. On the commercial side, some of the scales being used in businesses must be NTEP approved and under NCWM standards. The portion of due fairness—be it the amount of gold weighed proportionally in the jewelry shop or even in the weighing up of the ingredients in your favorite restaurant.

4. How do I choose the best scale for my needs?

Consider the purpose to which it would be most needed. If really the privacy would be utmost, like whatever could be sensitive materials, then consider models that come designed with safety features. And for the baker extraordinaire, she would need precision down to the gram; maybe it would be non-negotiable to her. And for the most convenience added, maybe one with built-in timers or that works in some way with gadgets like the KitchenAid mixers.

5. Do different units of measurement matter when using kitchen scales?

Yes, they do! The switch between metric (grams) and imperial (pounds and ounces) will be, if it depends on your residence place or the recipes followed, and it will also save you time in converting the measures. Understanding density—why an ounce of feathers weighs less than an ounce of gold—is a way to look at the change in measurements. So, yes, with flexibility in the used unit of measurement, it totally changes a whole new perspective.

Ever find yourself in the middle of making a recipe and realize that your measurements are totally off? Been there, done that. In fact, the right kitchen gear makes all the difference.

These tools help us weigh ingredients accurately. And guess what? Not all scales are created equal.

There are eight different types of kitchen scales, all having different perks for various needs in cooking. A dish can make all the difference between good and great, such as while making a cake or pasta.

So, in this post, I am going to take you through those types of ranges, their features, and how they will fit your style of cooking accordingly. Get ready for making your kitchen tasks easier and accurate for your needs!

Key Takeaways

  • Kitchen scales come in different types like mechanical, digital, stainless steel, balance scales, and smart nutrition scales. Each type has its unique features to match cooking needs.
  • Digital scales are great for precise measurements and can have special functions like the tare feature. Stainless steel scales are durable and easy to clean.
  • Smart nutrition scales help track dietary information by connecting to food databases. This is helpful for people focusing on their health.
  • When choosing a kitchen scale, consider accuracy, ease of use, units of measurement, purpose, calibration needs, and if it’s Legal for Trade certified.
  • Specialized kitchen scales such as Baker’s Dough Scales and Pizza Scales assist with specific culinary tasks, guaranteeing consistency in recipes or business settings.

Types of Kitchen Scales

Kitchen scales come in so many shapes and sizes, but each has its special job. A chef, or just those who love cooking at home, may consider a digital kitchen scale coming with multiple features. From the old, mechanical scale your grandma probably had, to the modern, high-tech digital ones that link to your phone, it can all be very mind-boggling just to make sure everything is a go.

Some are made of strong stainless steel, while others made of it may even be out, like those of an old-school seesaw. Then again, there are these smart scales that weigh food and tell you about the nutrition in it.

The gadgets play quite an important role in aiding perfect measurement of ingredients in cooking, for surely, nobody would like to have salty soup or flat cakes!

Mechanical Scale

Mechanical scales use springs and balances to measure weights. These old-fashioned tools are simple but reliable for cooking. You put food on them, and they show how heavy it is by making a spring inside press down.

Many chefs like these scales because they don’t need batteries or electricity. Just place your ingredients on the tray and watch the pointer move until it stops at the weight. This type of scale is great for recipes that use pounds or grams.

Digital Scale

Digital scales have really redefined the game in the kitchen. They offer an accuracy and precision feature that sometimes may be the measure in making or breaking a recipe. They are characterized by instant indication of an exact weight measure, which is critically important in the process of cooking and baking.

It is unlike a traditional measuring cup; this gadget is effective and keeps clean. Add to that, it has some amazing features such as the tare function, which users can take away the weight of a container to give the net weight of the content.

This feature is especially handy for getting those small measurements just right.

They are perfect for contemporary kitchens. Digital scales measure ingredients more quickly and sensitively compared to mechanical ones. Most digital ones have LCD readings that help in reading weight easily without strain. So, whether brewing that perfect cup of coffee or baking up some chocolate chip cookies, it allows you to measure out just what is needed.

And then, there is counting calories; the devices will also help in counting the nutritional value. Its sleek design makes digital scales as much of a statement piece as they do an indispensable gadget for the kitchen in maintaining a healthy diet.

Stainless Steel Scale

One of the types of scales “shining” in the kitchen is stainless steel. These robust tools withstand corrosion, even for people who use them frequently. Furthermore, they could be cleaned easily, which would make post-cooking activity easier.

These not only weighing devices that are well designed but practical. On some models, the devices come with ramps to ensure that working with such huge containers as drums and barrels becomes easier than ever before. There is less lifting, and the workflow is smoother when measuring ingredients to brew coffee or just mixing dough for the pizza.

Stainless steel scales are constructed with the same expertise and attractive design demanded by the professional chef and required by the casual cook.

Balance Scales

types of kitchen scales

Balance scales are also similarly smart gadgets used to make measurements in the preparation of ingredients and administration of portions. They use the equating principle of the item being measured to a set of masses that have already been known. This can be observed in a kitchen where precision cooking and baking are done.

They’re also handy in mailrooms to weigh packages before shipping.

In fact, great for jobs that need precision, such as mixing ingredients according to the recipe or measuring food in a single portion size. Commonly, balance scales are confused with another kind of weighing apparatus, but rather, their usability is quite different. Whether you’re making a cookbook recipe or sending out a parcel, these scales help you get the weight just right.

Smart Nutrition Scale

Game changers for sure in the kitchen, for those that need to watch over their dietary requirements. With a brand like Etekcity at the helm and Greater Goods taking the lead, this digital companion can read over 8,000 different food items.

But they go much more beyond merely weighing your food. They will report in great detail the nutritional value of your food—this means getting information about weight, calories, vitamins, and minerals directly from the weighing machine.

These intelligent devices have a connection established with databases like USDA and give access to nutritional information in a quicker way. Take, for example, the Glucology Food Nutrition Scale, which accesses the databases and at the tap of the user’s finger gives almost instantaneous facts of what they are eating.

These bathroom scales are quite key to those looking to lose weight through informed dieting with exact measurements in portion control and calorie intake. No more second-guessing if you’re really eating as healthy as you think!

Features to Consider When Choosing a Kitchen Scale

Picking the right kitchen scale goes beyond just looks. It’s a mix of finding accuracy, ease, and the right units for your cooking needs.


Here’s where kitchen scales really come into their own, though. In this regard, electronic scales usually win out against traditional ones. In simple terms, it will give you a much closer reading of the true weight of your ingredients.

Factors like air currents and room temperature might affect the scale’s accuracy, but good ones manage these well.

Most kitchen scales give readings down to half their smallest measurement unit, and that ought to take care of most of the needs in cooking. When you’re brewing coffee or making sauerkraut, you need to measure precisely.

The Escali Primo Digital Scale ensures that what you’re weighing is exact, so every one of your dishes comes out perfect every time.

Ease of use

When it comes to making the right choice of kitchen scales, it should be a no brainer. You would want to buy one that can be put to use almost immediately and not spend hours pouring over a manual to understand how it works. It is the best kitchen scale to use.

That means clear displays, easy-to-use controls, and the tare feature to zero out container weights. Speaking of cleanup, scales with a removable platform take the chore right out of keeping everything neat.

Also consider how you will be using the scale. If you are brewing coffee or cooking the latest recipe from a collection in one of the books, then fast accuracy is very key. A scale that quickly measures the ingredients will make you concentrate more on the recipe than fumbling over buttons on the scale.

Get a digital design that can readily convert from grams, ounces, to pounds without giving you room for error; it should provide you with accurate precision when measuring any item.

Units of measurement

Sometimes, the best help to get a recipe perfect a cook can have is the units of measure on a kitchen scale. Digital kitchen scales excel here: they can switch from ounces and grams to pounds without any hassle for cooks.

Consider the cook with a fantastic recipe from halfway around the world to work from. For example, if a cake recipe requires the cake to be baked with ingredients measured in grams, and the cook only possesses an ounce scale.

Frustrating, right? With digital scales, this problem disappears. Kitchen scales come prepared to deal with any unit of measure. Some even have capacities down to measuring teaspoons of vanilla or grains of salt. The scale doesn’t mind if the cupfuls of flour for cookies or pounds of cheese for pizza are its job; the computations are ready. Accuracy matters for those in food service or making dishes according to bakers’ percentages.

The ability to calibrate for exact measurements ensures what you cook turns out just how it should every time


Depending on what you will be using it for, due to you, for the right kitchen scale. Scales make cooking better by measuring ingredients for a precise recipe. That means a cleaner kitchen with fewer messes! In gourmet cuisine, precision is key.

Just as a helpful note, a digital food scale can tell you exactly how much of an ingredient you need to put in so your dishes will turn out just the way they are supposed to each and every time.

Some people do it for health reasons. They weigh the food to find out how many calories are in a portion. Others will perhaps be using a scale at their workplace, maybe at a bakery or a meat counter in a butchery.

Precision here is a must to ensure customers acquire what they pay for. Here are the options: if the recipe calls for precision down to the last gram, if you are selling products by weight, or for whatever purpose the decision of the scale is dictated.


Calibration ensures an accurate kitchen scale. This is testing and adjustment that assures the checking of things’ measures is done correctly. This way, it gives one assurance of trusting their weighing scale when they are in the process of selling food or cooking. It is pretty much like setting a clock in order for it to show the correct time.

If your scale is likely to require periodic calibration, especially those that are using it for business, then it is necessary. You could also test your home scale against something in your house that you know is accurate—perhaps a bag of pre-weighed sugar.

A range of tests with different weights ensures that the measurement is the same throughout. Professional help can be sought if one wants the entire thing done by some other person to assure that proper guidance is provided.

Legal for Trade (LFT) certification

Legal for Trade (LFT) is quite the big deal in the world of scales and weighing devices. A weighing scale requires this badge to be used in selling items that use the weight unit of measurement. For example, if one was to buy, say, a couple of pounds of candy, the store weighing scale should be pretty accurate, right? This is where the LFT certification comes in.

It means a scale passed tough tests and got a special number showing it’s good to go.

Manufacturers who nail those tests get a Certificate of Conformance number. But this isn’t just any number; it’s proof that the scales measure up—literally. And there’s more. These scales also feature NTEP (National Type Evaluation Program) certification. Think of NTEP as a superhero shield, which assures a person that his or her scale, from a fruit-selling scale to a gold jewelry scale, will offer real numbers! Besides, there are classes of the LFT scales suitable for anything from baking ingredients to shipping packages.

Specialized Kitchen Scales

There are some tasks in the kitchen which are done with the help of special tools. Specialized kitchen scales fit to requirements exactly. There are different types of such scales: baker’s dough scales, hanging scales, etc., which help in baking bread for the task of weighing large cuts of meat.

Not in the mood to spend time getting the dough just right? Pizza Scales make it easy. Otherwise, for most other applications, including selling food by weight, consider the Digital Price Computing Scales. Need to check incoming supplies? The Receiving Scales has that covered as well.

With these special scales, every measuring task becomes easier and more accurate.

Baker’s Dough Scales

The other useful tool in the bakery is the Baker’s Dough Scales. They are used to weigh the dough and other ingredients in the bakery with precision.

It helps in baking with the same taste and outlook every time, since it is accurate. This is what is known as the counterbalance scales machines.

That is where the weighing machines come to the forefront, mostly in places like professional setups. That is when getting a gram or milliliter perfect can count. From a small batch of cookies to the large mixture with several loaves, these ensure perfect making.

With Baker’s Dough Scales, bakers trust their mix will turn out great every time they bake.

Hanging Scales

Hanging scales shine in markets and grocery stores. Their high weight capacity makes weighing fruits and veggies a breeze. Unlike typical kitchen gadgets, these scales can handle up to 20 lbs! Imagine hanging a big bag of apples and getting the weight right away—that’s what they do best.

These scales aren’t just about strength; they offer detailed measurements so you can be sure about the weight of larger goods or finds from your fishing trip.

Pizza Scales

Pizza scales are special tools for making pizza dough. They measure ingredients very accurately. This is important for restaurants, pizza places, and bakeries that make a lot of pizzas.

These scales help keep every pizza tasting the same.

An example is the PIZA 12 Digital Pizza Making and Portion Control Scale. It’s made for businesses that serve food. Pizza scales can also be used in shops selling sandwiches or ice cream to ensure correct portions.

Digital Price Computing Scales

different types of kitchen scales


In most cases, especially whereby the sellers have to determine what to charge according to the weight of the goods, these digital scales are super useful. These scales are also referred to as the legal trade scales, which are meant to ensure that everybody has his or her fair share.

Ideal for the person selling wares by weight—think fruits, vegetables, or meat at a farmer’s market. The devices make it easy to get the price right.

Total price is quoted depending on the weight—per ounce or per gram, whatever is applicable to the buyer’s preference. It is then to be multiplied by the net weight offered from here, the amount due from both the buyer and the seller will reflect.

In addition, the screens are provided to show such kind of information very obviously, without room for mistakes. The scale is a must in its field of work for those working with bulk items or in the sale of items, the ingredients for which need to be measured.

Receiving Scales

For chefs and restaurant proprietors, receiving scales turn out to be very essential in the kitchen. These scales measure items as they come in bulk, hence keeping the suppliers and the staff honest at such times.

This provides a surety of ordered supply in the right quantity up to the kitchen and not undue surprises. It ensures the ability to weigh large consignments during stocktaking.

Perhaps this is the reason most kitchens go digital on the receiving scales over the analog ones, perhaps for their precision. These then can be able to check on proper amounts of incoming food or any other required shipments to ensure the right amount comes every time.

With easy-to-read displays to toggle between units, such tools make the handling of the supplies easier.

Final Thoughts

Picking the right kitchen scales can change how you cook. Mechanical, digital, and smart nutrition scales each have their perks. Think about what you need—accuracy, easy reading, or special features like diet tracking.

Some scales meet the exact needs of baking or selling food. Let your culinary adventure begin with the perfect scale by your side.


1. What types of kitchen scales are there?


With regard to the kitchen scale, there are also some options. The gram pocket scale works well for those small, exact measurements. Of course, there are the standard scales – both traditional and imperial units used in the measurement; think pounds/ounces or grams/kilograms. For tech-savvy cooks, digital scales with timers or even ones that connect to a POS system might be just what you need.

2. Can kitchen scales really make a difference in cooking?

Sure! Imagine yourself baking a cake without the use of any measuring equipment. That sounds rather disaster-prone, doesn’t it? Kitchen scales help in avoiding inaccuracies in the amounts of ingredients by giving exact measurements. It’s important for an exact gauge of what a recipe calls for, whether that’s Cook’s Illustrated recommending an exact amount of flour or keeping your mixer from overloading.

3. Are all kitchen scales approved for commercial use?

Now, this is the interesting kicker. Not all of them were created equal when it comes to commercial use. On the commercial side, some of the scales being used in businesses must be NTEP approved and under NCWM standards. The portion of due fairness—be it the amount of gold weighed proportionally in the jewelry shop or even in the weighing up of the ingredients in your favorite restaurant.

4. How do I choose the best scale for my needs?

Consider the purpose to which it would be most needed. If really the privacy would be utmost, like whatever could be sensitive materials, then consider models that come designed with safety features. And for the baker extraordinaire, she would need precision down to the gram; maybe it would be non-negotiable to her. And for the most convenience added, maybe one with built-in timers or that works in some way with gadgets like the KitchenAid mixers.

5. Do different units of measurement matter when using kitchen scales?

Yes, they do! The switch between metric (grams) and imperial (pounds and ounces) will be, if it depends on your residence place or the recipes followed, and it will also save you time in converting the measures. Understanding density—why an ounce of feathers weighs less than an ounce of gold—is a way to look at the change in measurements. So, yes, with flexibility in the used unit of measurement, it totally changes a whole new perspective.