Proposition 1 Should Be Rejected Based Alone on Vagueness of its Language
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
Despite all of the information and opinions about what Proposition 1 will and will not do, the sponsoring senator’s office seems reluctant to answer basic questions about what particular inequalities the Equal Rights Amendment was created to remedy.
Asked if non-discrimination based on gender identity could result in any man entering a woman’s protected space, such as women’s sports teams, locker rooms, bathrooms, women’s prisons, etc. – regardless of his intent – the answer was basically, “We cannot predict every hypothetical situation so we cannot answer that question.”
This continued with questions about “national origin” being included as a category for non-discrimination; could this possibly result in non-citizens voting? The answer was the same.
They would not comment on whether children could seek medical services without parental consent, or even how the age of consent could be affected under the “age” part of this amendment.
Questions about seniors potentially losing benefits and programs because of “age discrimination” against younger New Yorkers were considered hypothetical and not answered.
The last part of Prop 1 seems to provide constitutional protection to discrimination if it is viewed as rectifying past discrimination, regardless of civil rights violations. Answers about the potential conflicting laws were not forthcoming.
Non-discrimination based on “pregnancy outcomes” was also vague and they seemed unable to clarify what type of inequality this category addresses.
Since the people responsible for this amendment cannot or will not answer questions about what these constitutional changes would mean for New Yorkers, the logical conclusion is that the possible unintended consequences could harm women, families and seniors. Until they provide clear answers, New Yorkers should vote no to Prop 1.
Thank you for your time.
Elizabeth Lynch
Briarcliff Manor

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